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Academic Registry and Council Secretariat

Getting Income Assessed by SFE

Getting Income Assessed by SFE

If you have an account for the relevant academic year, because you have taken out a fee loan or a non-means tested loan, you can request to be means tested. You and your financial sponsor(s) will need to send some forms to Student Finance. You do not have to take any loans if you do not want to do so and you can enter zero for the amount of loan requested.

• Visit SFE Household Income Assessment
• Download Applying for student finance based on household income form - this needs to be completed by you 
• Download PFF2 Assessment of financial circumstances for parents and partners of students - this needs to be completed by your financial sponsor(s)
• If you do not want to take out the maintenance loan write on the form that you are requesting a full income assessment for bursary purposes only 
• Return the completed forms together to the address on the form

Once the assessment has been completed we will automatically receive your household income details. 

If you have not previously applied for any loans for the current academic year you will need to make an application to Student Finance, you can do this online if you want to be means tested for loan purposes too, however if you do not wish to take out any loans then you will need to contact Student Finance by telephone to request the forms be sent to you. 


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